How long will it take to get organized?
Every project is different. It all depends on the size of the room and how quickly you can make decisions. Homework may be given between sessions to keep the process moving.
To get the most out of our sessions together, schedule them for a time of day when you feel most motivated and when there will be the least amount of interruptions as possible.
How much do you charge for your services?
Professional Organizing is becoming a more mainstream service and it’s less expensive than most people think. We charge a reasonable hourly rate and offer discount packages for larger (10+ hrs) jobs. The cost of getting organized will pay for itself in no time! Think of it as an investment in your happiness and peace of mind.
Are you going to make me throw everything away?
We won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, you’re the ultimate decision maker. Organizing isn’t about getting rid of all your belongings, it’s about keeping the items that you love and having easy access to what you need.
Is this the worst mess you’ve ever seen?
Everyone thinks that their room is the worst. We haven’t run away screaming from a job yet! We want to help you, not judge. When you see a mess, we see the potential. We respect your privacy and what happens during the session, stays there.
Do I have to be there or can you just organize me while I do other things?
You definitely have to be there. We can’t decide what things are important to you.